Friday, March 19, 2004

Wait up so late today it was so tiring...then wash my face eat my Mee soto infornt the pc. ComputingLog in Anak Melayu, tgk ada org leave message tak..check wow..16 message unread.Then i replied to them lah. Some i exchange my number with the gal that i get to know through there. Cell Phone 4Some of them dah married ada masih single lagi. Apa org kata kawan biar ramai.. Ard afternoon me masak Kari kepala ikan and sayur kailan. Ingat lepas cuci baju nak sidai baju kat luar tgk cuaca dah berubah terus sidai baju kat dalam...hujan punya lebat kat sini skrgRainy...Lepas tu me iron my clothes and my hubby clothes ialah besok me going over to my mum house, my sis ada buat open house so i had to help my mum.siapa lagi nak tolong kalau bukan anak dia sendiri kan. On sunday baru me balik my home..Later after my hubby balik me going over pegi Imm nak pegi Giant's . Wanna look for my sis something..That all see ya.*muach*

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