Sunday, March 21, 2004

Hari nie ingat nak bangun siang tapi apa kan daya tak sanggup.. after me dah cuci muka semua me tolong my mum goreng benda.. nak kena habis kan sebelum pukul 12 tengahari.. my sis hubby nak ambil makanan pegi umah dia.. penat jugak seh... kalau ada duit lebih baik ambil catering tak susah. Ard 2 plus me reach umah my adik,ena.Waited people to come the open house started 3 pm onwards.. ard 3plus then people come..I stayed there till finished. then me went to my mum house sleep there.went straight my room i flat...gone already..can't open my eyes . was so sleepy and tiring.Pillow

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