let me recap .. On thurs ard 3 plus like that kak rose datang umah hantar present. Thanks kak rose. After that laze ard at nite go out to buy things. Fri dah sibuk buat agar2 etc things for on sat. Open present for ilham , I buy kan dia swing . On sat, everything dah siap kan decided to go out frmthe house 1.30pm fetch my hubby nenek nearby dah to proceed to my mum house first sent ayam and sotong ball to fry. dah to baru pegi chalet. parking punya lah pack lagi lagi carpark A tgh renovation. space limited. dah angkat barang satu kereta penuh . check in. dah pukul 3 lebih russhing seh jemput org pukul 5pm siap siap kan barang by 5 pm still not yet habis.. Semua dah beres . People pun start datang. makanan dah lay kat table. bbq dah start. 7 plus , people from P.kh datang.. nina nin, khalindah, mayang, masyitah, fiza., siapa lagi eh. marlysa dan lain lain.. thanks for coming. and thanks for the presents.ehmm sorry lah me tak bagus in entertain. nice meeting u all. jgn serik serik ah.. tak lupa MK and zikry pun dtg bawak cupcake sampai salah bilik dia pegi.. thanks for the present. sorry lah eh tak dapat singgah yr party really busy ah. Hope zikry like the present. end the party till 11 plus baru habis. penat betul hahaha...but happening ah.. On sun pulak, hantar dulang kat Mk.. cute ah zikry.. selamat tak jatuh dia lambai bye bye to me tak tgk depan.. french kiss somemore..so.. cute.. nice meeting u. dah to ptg sikit my family dtg bawak makanan. dah to we went to beach . my hubby and my dad mancing. and ilham dia sempat mandi laut. tak nak naik seh... dah pukul 7 plus we went back to chalet. my sis punya frenz dtg. lepak lepak order kfc and pizza nie kes malas nak keluar lagi.
Mon- went i look at outside there saw mk and her hubby pushing trolley put things.. Ard 10 we check out already.. that all. here is the pix
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