Wednesday, July 14, 2004


Are you ready for a baby?

Pregnancy is one of the biggest physical changes your body will ever undergo, so before you start trying, make sure you're in the best possible condition. Dads-to-be may have some work to do, too: What you eat, drink, and otherwise ingest can affect the quality of your sperm. Take our quiz to see if you're both physically ready for baby-making.

1. It's best to start taking prenatal vitamins:
a. Before you conceive
b. As soon as you find out you're pregnant
c. After your first trimester

2. Which partner should cut down on caffeine intake before trying to get pregnant?
a. The man
b. The woman
c. Both
d. Neither

3. How much zinc should men who want to be fathers get each day?
a. 5 to 7 milligrams
b. 8 to 10 mg
c. 12 to 15 mg
d. No set amount

4. After getting off the Pill, how long do you have to wait before trying to conceive?
a. You can start right away
b. Two to three months
c. Six months
d. A year

5. When you go see your practitioner for a pre-pregnancy physical, she'll check you for:
a. Urinary tract infections
b. High blood pressure
c. Sexually transmitted diseases
d. All of the above

6. If you need to get a rubella vaccination at your preconception physical, how long should you wait afterward before trying to get pregnant?
a. No time
b. One month
c. Two months
d. Three months

7. It's important to control high blood pressure before conception because women with hypertension during pregnancy are more likely to develop:
a. Gestational diabetes
b. Edema
c. Preeclampsia
d. None of the above

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