Friday, April 23, 2004

HeyToday, my hubby is on leave. Wait up early in the morning,on computer,masak kway Teow goreng.Lepas tu msn my friend lin. My hubby asking me whether today we going to watch movies and i say to him,oklah..tapi nak tgk cerita apa..A-ha!Dalam pukul 2 lebih me and my hubby siap and that time hujan punya lah lebatThunderstorms,ligthningLightning Bolt somemore.Time kita lagi nak cross the road ada org tanya you all nak semberang kat bus stop eh,boleh tumpang payung.Then me ckp boleh lah apa salah nya.We cross the road and take the bus to interchange.From Clementi interchange we take bus 196 pegi city Hall sana.We went to Suntec city to see what movies that we can see eh.Then i saw this title of the movies look scary to me so we choose that show for 7 pm. The title of the show is Dawn of the dead something like that lah....banyak juga terkejut2 sehAfraid..hehehehe..ok lah that all for today.Bye Bye

In this remake of horror classic Dawn of the Dead, a mysterious plague causes the newly dead to rise from their graves and begin to eat the living in this horror remake, starring Ving Rhames and Sarah Polley. During the ruckus caused by all the zombies walking about, a group of humans takes refuge in a shopping mall.

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