Tuesday, August 01, 2006

13 mths old

Today Ilham dah 13 mths.. dah besar anak mama. dah toddler. to me you still baby to me. For his age now he can:-

say word ayah, nenek, mama or mummies(nie kes suka hati dia) atok belum sangat.
now can stand on his own.
can walk a few pace. jalan jatuh punya but he bukan jalan slow slow tau but mcm lari gitu..hahah so cute.
bila he want something or saw something he want he will say nak ini. belum tahu pegang botol susu sendiri.
Tak independence.
dah pandai panjat sofa.He don't like to eat ah. susah betul lah nak kasi makan.. ish.
he will membebel aje, tak tahu diam . got one part to he tiarap and tgk buku and he talk himself ..hehe so cute seh bila me tgk dia mcm to.. and dia suka buat buat muka.
Dah masuk 4 tooth..
He can squat for awhile.. haha.
he's demand a lot of my attention
My toddler may demand that me read to him, push him on a swing, take him for a walk. Even if he doesn't use words, he can make clear, by tugging on you and pointing, exactly what he wants.And he like to play chak chak..

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