Hello... yup Khalindah and frina i have moved to my new place on the National day.. org sibuk nak sambut national day kita sibuk pindah hahaha....... take the opportunity ah holiday apa.. weekend pegi umah my auntie house warming... umah baru kat tampines. after that went to my mum house. On saun, my hubby not working so we decided to go ikea first buy things for the house , after that went to suntec my hubby ada appt with studio nak take photo... Buy the way siapa siapa yg ingin jual or beli umah u can call my hubby .. Dia agent umah frm propnex.. hehe . Dah to went to perkampungan melayu to buy ayat ayat for the living room. and jam dinding got ayat sekelililing... The house not yet fully occupied with the things. neeed time to kemas the things that i brought along with us.. For ilham room.. katil car dah sampai, wardrobe frm ikea. dah pasang foam playmat for him to play.. huh will come soon will be his bookcase.. full of book. hehehe kiasu parents ah us . kecik kecik dah nak start ajar dia.. bila lagi kan nak ajar kalau tak frm small.. nowdays education for children is stress so need to let them learn frm now.. cause at age 1 years plus he will follow what we say and imitate us so if let him pegang buku at early stage senang dia adapt to book ah.. to apa my opinion ah.. tak tahu what other mummies think.. we need to think of their futureah but tak use harsh lah bukan paksa just a few minutes for one day aje we tell story ke... oklah.... need to shiftting the scv box to living room and put one at the study area there.. telephone line belum pasang lagi lines... hmm still more to do but slow slow ah buat. take times... bulan puasa pun dah nak dekat. oklah that all for today...