Sunday, April 17, 2005

HAri nie wake up early cause we had to pay our car. Reached KAtong mall ard 11 plus, after that we decided to eat at the Marine Parade but we park our car at PArkway parade.. oklah walk walk. Dah makan lepas to jalan jalan kat sana then walk back to Parkway Parade. Window shopping aje.. Ard 2 plus kita decided to go out from that place. I feel so tired already. Then my hubby say going where now. I say go umah my parents ah pasal takde tempat nak pegi ah. Mana lagi tempat boleh pegi rasanya mcm dah takde tempat yg boleh jalan kat Singapore nie. Nak pegi Johor takut jam pulak so we cancel lah. reach umah my parents see for awhile. Duduk then my dad balik from work. My anak sedara today takde pulak bila me kat sana. Rindu pulak dgn dia..hehehe. Dah to tgk cerita Hindustan. After that i decided to belanja makan, we went to east coast makan... Kat sana baru habis berhenti hujan. so tak ramai sangat ah. We order our food, makan talk and laugh. Dah kenyang semua kita pun balik . Sampai umah my parents kita naik umah my parents for awhile then decided to balik ard 9 pm. Oklah that all..

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