Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Hari nie masak black pepper crab, tom yam udang. Laze ard at home tunggu my hubby balik keje . Dah to duduk depan pc . dah ptg sikit mcm 6 lebih we go sheng shiong . shopping sikit. beli egg tart and kuih pau kat sana. tak banyak kedai buka . sheng siong pun barang tak banyak maklum lah org beraya kan .. buy thing for tomorrow nak masak shark fin . try buat. i like to masak new food .. kalau ada oven dah ku buat to muffin or cake.. when i got time but me got no oven. .when nak balik time ilham rusyaidi crying don't know what wrong. dah reached home he seem ok ah.. bila me wanna panaskan lauk he cry again. so i take ilham frm my mil ah. bila with me he stop cry hehehe my mil ckp dia nak me dukung dia..hehehe.. he is close to me. of cause lah eh me always with him the whole day 24/7. sometime he will tenung me .... dah me dukung dia he start ketawa ketawa.. put him to sleep after he tired. oklah that all.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Happy weekend to u all and have a nice day.......

Gong xi fa cai

Thursday, January 26, 2006

wah dah lama tak update tak tahu apa nak updatekan.. ehmm.. mood malas ah.. this few days as usual.. look after ilham.. then weekend pegi umah my parents. Ilham now kuat membebel.. hehehe.. so many sound keluar from his mouth.. so fast eh a few day later he will be 7 months old.. masa begitu cepat seh.. rasanya mcm baru bersalin . dah besar anak mama. Skrg dia dah takut org ah. org yg dia tak kenal he won't follow.. cuma yg dia kenal aje.. oklah got nothing to say ah..nak suapkan ilham makan..

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

ilham video

My Family

My hubby and Ilham

Me and Ilham

Hari Raya Haji

Early pukul 9am kita dah keluar...duduk umah my hubby nenek till 12plus then we went when out frm the place. We reached my parents house ard 1 plus nearly 2pm. it's raining since a few days. kalau duduk umah relax lagi shiok. dah reached my parents house ask my family take a family photo together to keep as a memories.. Dah take pic all then go out from the house pegi umah my nenek pulak. reached there Ilham still sleeping .When he wake up play play dah to bila when people he seldom see him want to carry him he cry seh..hahahaha dia takut org dah. not a single my auntie or uncle can carry him. Not yet carry dia dah carry.. susah ah mcm nie dia dah tahu org nanti jadi koala bear.. hehehe.. oklah stay at my nenek house till 5.30 pm lepas to we went back to my parents house there eat etc. balik ard 10 plus .Reached Clementi ard 11 plus fetch my MIL home. that all..

Monday, January 09, 2006

nie Isabella and Ilham Posted by Picasa
nie hari minggu ayah dia letak ilham kat dlm bakul dgn daun ketupat Posted by Picasa


To all Selamat menyambut Hari haji....

inside his walker Posted by Picasa
this is me..hahaha Posted by Picasa
me and ilham Posted by Picasa
lagi  Posted by Picasa
nie dia gambar si kecik ... Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Aik dah pun tahun 2006..on wed will be my tua day..4th January.. apa azam baru eh make more babies ..hahahaha. rasanya masa cepat berlalu dah kita berlangkah tahun 2006. Huh tak lupa nak mengucap SELAMAT TAHUN BARU KEPADA SEMUA YG TAG NIE AND TO ALL BLOGGER. On Fri pegi umah my parents stay there for our weekend. Sat my dad was on leave so we, ilham my parents and my 2 sis pegi Pennisula to go shopping. My sis nak pegi Guitar lah, mcm mcm aje. dah to pegi seiyu bugis my dad wanna buy walker for my Ilham . Thanks dad. Dah to we eat at Whitesand kat Magic Wok. My two sister beli beg billabong. wah 2 beg cost 100 plus.. budak budak skrg dimanjakan seh..dulu time kita sekolah takde mcm to kasut baby doll jugak pakai .hehehe. dah to kita pun proceed balik. On sun my hubby keje thinking nak go beach but it raining period ah.. tak pegi mana mana pegi sheng siong aje. On mon kita go Swimming pool kat Downtown east sana . And i met NZ with her family there. Ilham berendam with ayah dia. diam aje budak to berendam kat swimming pool ingat kan dia nangis. dah to balik before raining. ptg nya my hubby ajak go beach kat changi. since sat dia ajak go beach but asik hujan aje tak jadi ah.so on Mon we go beach to pun by 6.30pm dah nak start hujan so kita lekas lekas siap balik ah. oklah that all..