Sunday, August 08, 2004

Hari nie my auntie ada buat kenduri arwah sikit.....dia jemput family aje..makanan punya lah banyak..kita makan bone steak.yum yum. we went back to my parents house pukul 9 plus after they watch the soccer. me kena rashes for a few day alreay seh..but not yet see the doctor. When reach home dah pukul 10 plus nak kena mandi lah gatal mum kasi this soap yg ada baca baca so me selawat nabi then mandi use that soap but still the itching tak hilang kenapa eh? panas ke apa?allergy ke apa? At night me pusing kanan pusing kiri still cannot sleep..naik luka seh my badan..jadi kudis pulak..habis lah tak cantik nie macam..hehehe... ok that all.

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