Fri pegi umah my parents sebelah ptg. Sat pulak my hubby keje ah so at nite baru keluar pegi Pasar Malam kat Tampines Interchange there.. quite alot of thing but biasa ah makanan yg berlambak.. dah jalan jalan kat sana with this boy.. he quite ok ah tak cranky. beli makanan a few. pamper myself baju for $10. Dah to balik tgk tv while eating. Ilham tido. Dah to malam Ilham tido with my parents ingatkan tak ok ah pasal the last few week dia tak nak ah he will cry out loud bila tak nampak me beside him. kali nie dia ok ah cause he pun clingy on my mum and dad.. org tak hulur tangan dia ingat nak duduk dia. hahaha mum and dad kena bully dgn si ilham.. Bila with outside people yg dia tak kenal he will look at the person then he will smile his mentel senyum dah to malu tutup muka kat my bahu..hahah so cute seh.. On Sun pulak i and my sis taking basic Henna course . First time bila duduk quite bored lama lama fun pulak.. pakai to henna cone draw kat paper dulu.. mcm ulat bulu shape pun ada. and my hand so cramp seh..nak kena practise selalu ah. course dia tak lama ah from 1 to 4pm. Next week ada lagi satu last ah... Dah balik try on my hand hahah gatal ah sekejap aje dah tanggalkan si ilham nak me. Then at nite anukan my sis . Pukul 9mlm baru balik fetch my hubby nenek then proceed balik........ oklah that all
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
le="cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="" border="0" alt="" /> dah lama tak blog ah... sorry eh kawan kawan.. this past two day ilham sick ah running nose and cough... Hari nie dia cranky betul always want me to cry him... letak sekejap dah to suruh me angkat.. dah to his cough today so loud seh mcm banyak phlegm pity tgk dia terbatuk batuk mcm to.. mcm org tua batuk..kesian tgk dia.. somemore hidung asyik meleleh aje.. isk. and me kena jangkit.. jugak.. so me tgk sakit handle small baby cranky pening kepala.. cannot eat medicine ah takde org look after him . nanti me makan ubat huh baby kemana me kemana pulak... on monday see doctor.. doc say walaupun he sakit he more to hype active ah.. memang seh so active... till me cannot handle him.. hahaha.. then me ask doc can check my son weight tak.. weight dia 7.6kg for his age 8 month plus thought dah 8 kilo ke.. takpe ah asal kan dia sihat sudah.. doc also say that he small baby ah follow his parents ah..for me walaupun makan makan also so skinny seh.. tak tahu mcm mana nak naikkan weight.. oklah that all for today nie ilham photo for today taken last weekend ..i think..
Friday, March 03, 2006
Today as usual bangun , siapkan ilham makan then kasi dia makan ,mandikan. then biarkan dia kat dlm walker play with his granny awhile. Dah to whole day i alone with ilham. play with him etc.. tak pegi umah my parents today . Besok baru pegi sana need to pay car installment. What kind of job bole buat eh kat umah yg datang hasil.. ehmm.. takde ke keje data entry ke buat kat umah.. been looking that kind of job.. later at night going to sent the vcd that we rent. The house we been eyeing for dah dapat.. neg harga pun dah cuma nak book kena letak deppsit dulu dgn owner. cause on april baru can do 1st appointment.. hope everything will be smooth ah.. oklah that all for today..nowdays tak tahu apa nak type here.. ok lah this is ilham pix for today..baru habis mandi tadi..
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Today ard 12 plus we proceed to Jb giant tampoi beli barang household. Today ilham 8 months old and his dad is one year older today.. Now he so active tak tahu duduk diam.. but not yet start crawling ah... ingatkan birthday ayah dia dia nak merangkak ke.. nie tak..hahaha slow lah.. maybe he tak merangkak terus jalan... dia kalau duduk kat atas riba mesti nak turun mcm lah dia tahu jalan.. merangkak pun tak tahu. apa aje si kecik. really funny seh ilham nie, bila me tgh tgk cerita while dukung him he stare at me then me baru perasan dia stare at me so near seh.. me ketawa so funny telatah si kecik nie.. To hubby Happy Birthday to you... semoga panjang umur murah rezeki...Amin. oklah that all