Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Wake up in the morning.. me nowsday.. tak boleh dgr bising sikit atau lampu buka bila me tido mesti me sandar punya..let say satu malam to org masuk keluar toilet pun me sadar seh.. naik pening kepala mcm nie.. kadang bingit sendiri pasal dah pening.. bila lampu to terang try to sleep tak boleh bila lampu dah tutup dah sunyi baru boleh tido..stress seh kadang kadang.. don't know what to do.. Hari nie my hubby ambik Tp test.. ard 9 plus he call me and say that he passed.. Alhamdulilah lah syukur. tak sia sia ambik test.. duit pun tak terbuang. worth it. sekali ambik terus pass.. then he say he going briefing then kalau sempat dia balik umah lah. Then he call again nak beli apa for breakfast i say macdonald can lah.. sebelum my hubby balik dah muntah dah.. dua kali muntah selalu pagi mesti mcm nie mcm dah rountine.. ehmm... dah to kita makan sama sama.. he intend to buy a car and i know he looking forward for one and easy for us.. for transportation. Need to think abt it first. Dah to my hubby pun keluar pegi keje.dia ambik half day. I call my parents talk to my mum.. I say to my mum then my hubby dah pass bawak kereta then she pass the phone to my dad.. My dad say alhamdulilah lah.. then he say if want to buy car buy small small car boleh lah.. my hubby ingat dia nak buy kereta toyota punya pasal dia ckp senang nak cari barang.. will see abt that.. then my mum ask me dah ok ke? then i say still muntah2 and headache then dia ckp kenapa eh skrg kan me dah 3 bulan still not ok ke.. i also don't know why lah. oklah got to go lah.

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