Assalamualaikum semua..
Nie my baby lagi sleep me ambil lah kesempatan nak type my blog.hehehe.. somemore me now at my parents house for a months kirakan sampai habis pantang ah. dah dua minggu lebih me dah lepas bersalin. lagi dua minggu lagi my son dah one months. rasanya baru semlm me delivery. ok lah let me recap, on 1 july pukul 12 lebih midnight my stomach dah tak sedap dah rasa contraction. tapi me buat bodoh aje biarkan aje. Try to sleep tak boleh the contraction datang dan pegi. Then by 4 plus in the morning my water bag dah burst. ingatkan air apa nie asyik leaking.. hehehe. then me wake my hubby up saying to him water bag dah burst ah. tapi me still steady minum air lah. Then siap siap keluar. sampai hospital terus masuk labour ward by the time my cervix dah buka 4 cm. midwife check seluk lah. then the contraction datang kali nie dah sakit nah.. pakai gas.. tapi me cannot take it a few puff aje terus kepala dah pening.. habis start muntah.. terus doctor tanya nak epidural tak? then i say "yes". Me cannot start it anymore. me dilate cepat.. before 12 pm me dilate 9 cm. dah kasi epidural tapi tak effect on me. dorang tambah lagi sikit. sampai my sebelah bawah kaki tak rasa apa apa. Itu yg buat susah nak push . dah 10 cm me try to push, tapi me cannot. tapi kepala baby dah bawah nah senang nak keluar. but me takde energy nak push. In the end doctor say he will help me tapi he will use forcep.. ish kesian my son kena tarik mcm to. but what to do nanti lama sangat baby kat dlm stress pulak.. so they help me. me cuma still need to push lah to help. 3 kali push alih alih baby dah keluar midwife letak kat atas my stomach..syukur alhamdulilah.. at that time me rasa happy to see my son. Baby weight 2.6kg. After that the doctor keluar kan placenta then stitches me.. bila part stitches me tak rasa apa pun. mungkin dah terlalu penat. dah tak rasa apa apa. by the way my son name is ILHAM RUSYAIDI . gambar to bila me dah balik my own house baru me upload sabar eh.. heheheh